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Killin' the Forest;

one tree at a time...

Data, Records, IEPs... OH MY!

How do YOU keep track of all of your paperwork? This being my first year teacher... I am desperately trying to keep organized with all of my students and all of the paperwork. I have a binder for each of my students which helps me have easy access to any records/data that I may need. The first piece of the binder is the IEP at a glance. Then I have each goal with a tracker in its own sheet protector. (Here's an example). Behind each goal sheet, I have different assessments to collect data on each goal. I also have a parent communication log in each binder so that I am able to reference everytime there is communication between myself and a parent.

Fair isn't

everyone getting

the same thing

Fair is

everyone getting

what they need to be



Important Reminders

1. time management

2. use your inclusion team to create goals for your students for inclusion

3. checklists

4. always focus on the best for your students

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